Thursday, April 14, 2005

Back to Work!

Yesterday I took Jack out to my office to try and get some work done. I’m building a web page for one of my dad’s companies and I needed a few more hours to get everything put together. Jack was somewhat cooperative, he played with Sneezy the Activity Dragon:

office play

and he hung out in his Baby Einstein Activity Gym:

office play 2

and he even took a very short nap (I woke him up opening a can of diet coke):

office sleep

You can see my office is also storage for my unridden road bike as well as the washer and dryer. All in all it worked well – I was able to get a little bit done and I think Jack enjoyed the change of scenery.

Today we went to meet our friend Elissa for lunch. Darn it, I forgot to take pictures. She’s six months pregnant and looking wonderful. Then we had to run by the office to show off our new web pages – they do look pretty nice, now I just need to clean up the text and make it wonderful.

When we got home I sat Jack up and he stayed there long enough for me to get the camera and take this picture:

sitting up

He’s getting really good at balancing. Here’s a shot from the back so you can see how cute his new outfit is:


Tomorrow my mom is coming over so I can go to the doctor. I’ve had an earache for over three weeks so I think it’s time to have someone look in there and see what is going on. Then I’ll probably ship off gifts to my nieces and nephew – their birthdays have all passed (Vincent’s was in January!) but I never got my act together to send anything. Better late than never, huh?

hi brooke :)

thanks for coming by my blog ... i've read your blog several times too (before today). i think your knitting site is incredible (i have no craft kind of talent) .. and your son is adorable. i have a 10 month old grandson ... so it's been fun to read your blog and look at the pictures.

i wanted to say that what you're facing as a new mother (sleeplessness) is a big deal ... it makes you tired and sleep depravation isn't a good thing. i remember when my son was a baby .. and even growing up until about 12 ... he was such a cute kid .. personality and looks .. and he's still very handsome .. i'm just not sure what happened. i miss the kid i had .. and even more i miss the young man that i wanted him to be.

thanks for caring .. and taking the time to write to me.

it's very much appreciated.

i will keep reading about Jack! he's so very cute. Jordan (my grandson) just now trying to sleep on his stomach and it scared the heck out of me!
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