Monday, February 21, 2005

A Day with Grandma

Jack is suddenly sleeping better – he ate last night at 10:30, again at 2:15, and again at 5:30. That meant I got about 6 ½ hours of sleep, which of course also meant I had to go to the gym this morning, which of course means now I am drooping with a different kind of tiredness.

This morning we got ready to go to Grandma’s house and Jack looked so cute I had to set him up for a picture. He really can ALMOST sit up on his own:

new outfit

And a few shots of him out at the mall with Gloria:


no pictures please

Doesn’t the last one look like he’s tired of having his picture taken? He must think he is famous and we are the paparazzi sometimes.

A note about this outfit. The pants are made of 100% linen. I don’t buy linen for myself because it’s such a pain to take care of, and I was reminded of this fact when I was ironing these adorable pants this morning. I ironed for a 3 month old baby. I certainly never thought that was possible.

There are other things I find myself doing that, had you asked me six months ago, I would have told you there was no way I would EVER do that to my baby.
1. Leave him on the changing table without holding on to him. (The sides are sloped inward. He hasn’t come close to falling off yet.)
2. Put him in a crib with a blanket (this was the only way I could transition him to the crib, by putting his fluffy blanket under him.)
3. Dress him in ridiculous outfits that will horrify him when he’s older. (I can’t help this. The plaid was just too compelling.)
4. Move him out of my room before he was 3 months old.
5. Sleep in bed with him.
6. Leave him with a stranger. (I haven’t done this yet, but the YMCA has infant care where I can drop him off and go work out. I’m seriously considering it.)

I think that’s it for now, although as time passes I assure you there will be plenty more. I surprise myself daily as a mom. I never imagined I would be very good at it, but here he is thriving away so I must be doing okay. My friend Michelle told me today she thought I was doing a great job managing the motherhood thing, and that was a great compliment to get.

Hi Brooke, What adorable pictures!Jack really is the cutest thing. Love the outfit too! :) Meghan
Should have asked me..I think you have always had the "great mom" characteristics, even from a little girl. I am thrilled you decided to exercise those skills. Mom
What darling pictures...that outfit is even cuter on him than it looked in the store. And you are a great Mom, making it actually look easy!
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