Thursday, January 27, 2005

Stupid shots

Jack continued to be a little fussy yesterday – just in the sense that he needed to be held a lot and was acting like his legs were hurting him. His grandma came over and held him for a while, which seemed to help him immensely. (She also did some laundry and dishes, helping his mother immensely.)

bobbing his head, originally uploaded by Brooke Streech.

By the evening he was doing great so I took him to knitting with me. He is here holding his toy rabbit from my friend Meghan – he loves this little rabbit. He was awake most of the time but when I got the camera out he was fake sleeping (or playing possum as my friend Julie says.)

knitting, originally uploaded by Brooke Streech.

His sleeping schedule is going fine – he doesn't really protest taking naps at all and he's getting up every three hours at night. Although last night he woke up in between because he had wedged himself into the corner of the crib so I had to get up to calm him down. I think he was confused as to how he had arrived in such a strange position. All I need now is for him to decide to sleep through the night! I tried the sleep feeding him – he had eaten a little after 8 and when I went to bed at 11 I went in and fed him. He woke up of course, but it did keep him down for 3 more hours.

Hi Brooke, Jack looks so cute clutching his bunny! I hope that he is feeling better after his recent round of shots! :) Meghan
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