Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Over the river and through the woods......

I think Jack had too many outings yesterday. First lunch with my dad at Zoe’s Kitchen. Then Fiber Factory (where the women marveled at how good he is and how cute he is.) Then home for a bit and off to a Jr. League committee meeting, where again he behaved beautifully. On the way home, however, he let me know his displeasure with the whole thing by screaming. I had to stop for gas as well, and he did not approve. Of course when we got home he was all coos and smiles for his dad.

As I was getting him ready for our trips, he was looking right at me so I snapped a picture:

It is very powerful to have an infant look right at you like he knows you.

Today we’re going to take it easy and head up to my mom’s house. She is having a quilting meltdown so maybe holding the baby will calm her nerves.

You are unreachable by phone today. I am afraid you and Jack have been devoured by R.O.U.S.'s.

On a side note, Chipotle has a new radio ad out which refers to their Burritos Of Unusual Size!
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