Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Ode to My Mother

Ok, so it's not an actual ode because I'm much too tired to write poetry. More like Adoration of My Mother would probably be more appropriate.

After our horrendously bad night, Jack had a pretty tough day as well. My mom thinks he had a stomach ache, so obviously I ate something that didn't agree with him. She came over and did my laundry and cleaned the kitchen, but more importantly took care of the little man so I could take a shower and go to the store. I was so exhausted I felt like crying when she left. Luckily Joe came home and whatever was bothering Mr. Friendly seemed to subside. He went back to his normal pleasant self and I actually got a little sleep.

I think my brother is a little jealous. I told him everything our mom is doing for me and he keeps saying "You are so lucky." Of course I know this. I know he and Anne are raising 3 kids without the almost daily help I have. But, last I checked, no one made them move to Denver. So there. It may be hot here in the summer, but it's certainly worth it having both our mom's here to help out.

Kim's new baby Angus has a website, you should check it out. You can see how great Kim looks.

And of course a picture of Jack to start your day:

That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Yeah, what Anne said.

We're just tougher than you...wuss.

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